I said I’d get it done, and I got it done. My first Nanowin! Clocked in at 50,132 words last night. Printed my certificate of awesomeness. Uploaded my Facebook picture of bragginess. And now I’m writing the blog post of successfulness. BAM! RAAH! And to quote Hades...
And Kuzco…
I’d like to thank @NanoWordSprints on Twitter . They kept me going the last couple of days. I also got some of my more creative typos from sprints. Here are a few.
Litesen – listen—not too bad
Jayleln – should have been my heroine’s name—Jayleen
Yfo – of—really not sure how that happened
And now info, a pledge, and news.
Even with all this productivity, my thesis is not “done.” I still have a few scenes to write. Much of the 50k went to rewriting chapters that I realized I couldn’t use as they were. I didn’t cheat. It was all new content, believe me.
Nanowrimo is big on continuing the productivity year-round. Motivation is key, and here’s mine. My goal is to finish this draft of my thesis by January residency—Jan 9, 2014. Plenty of time? Let’s hope. But to help keep myself honest, I’ll post weekly updates on here. And when I finish the draft, there will be an excerpt. K, I’ve said it. I’m sticking to it. Keep your eyes peeled for a bit of my thesis upcoming.
And now, the news.
I participated in an aspiring author blog tour this month. My interview went up on Monday, and I’m sharing.
2013 Aspiring Author Blog Tour: Mary DeSantis
Hop on over and check it out. I’m being my usual (interesting) self, and there’s an excerpt from my urban fantasy.
Thank you to Tracee Ford for organizing the event and allowing me to participate. I had a lot of fun with the interview.
Right (Write?). This is DeSantism signing off. If I don’t get back on here tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving!
A friendly reminder—the Goddess Fish book tours I used to host and all other book/author promo stuff is now done over at my book blog: Kit ‘N Kabookle.
As always, thanks for reading.
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