Saturday, June 21, 2014

MCS #20: Fantasia

Fantasia (1940)

Ok, so this movie bored me to tears when I was a kid. It was music and picture with no story or dialogue, and I was a kid.

Now, I appreciate it a bit more, and I’m sharing my two favorite Fantasia moments this week.

First: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

It was the closest to a story, and it featured Mickey Mouse.

Second (and possibly most importantly): The Sound Track

Come on, this guy was adorable. I think I can attribute my interest in musical instruments to this guy.

Check out the rest of the Fantasia shorts on YouTube. They’re all there.

Writer’s Lockbox…?

Umm, well plot.

Also, different types of music make for great soundtracks to different types of writing.

Last week: The Emperor’s New Groove

And join me next time for Fantasia 2000.

Thanks for reading.

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